General Hospital of the Atlacomulco Zone


Promotora y Desarrolladora Mexicana, S.A. de C.V.


2017 - 2020


This property has a capacity of 90 beds, an emergency area with 14 beds and four of them pediatric that will give medical coverage to the municipalities of the northern part of the state. It has spaces for the care of 32 medical specialties with state-of-the-art technology, it has 27 specialty offices, five operating rooms, two endoscopy rooms, six chemotherapy units, a state-of-the-art scanner, intensive care areas, and a comprehensive area of imaging. This hospital will increase the care of specialties in the region and will reduce the transfer time of patients who currently go to hospitals in Toluca and Mexico City.

The technology used for the curtain façade is based on a very light self-supporting thermal insulation system, this is independent of the main structure of each building, these were built continuously and hangs in front of the structural elements, producing a continuous insulation and a architectural cloth with great homogeneity.

The assembly developed for the facade of the Hospital of Atlacomulco, weighs around 12.7 kilograms per square meter, weighing well below the 120 to 240 kilograms that conventional walls usually have; which allowed the installation of just over 12,500 square meters of architectural envelope in four months. The NOVIDESA curtain system will additionally allow the operation of this property for health to have electrical energy savings throughout the useful life of the property due to air conditioning concepts for interior spaces as a result of the “R” value (resistance to flow heat) ruled by the ONNCCE under the standard NMX-C-46-ONNCCE-2019 with a 6.6673 m2 * KW is well above the value required at the national level for energy saving dictated by the standard itself.

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