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Challenges and opportunities in the chemical industry.
Last Wednesday, July 19, the Commercial Director of Alveg, Héctor Blanco, spoke with Neuron Automotive Talks about the challenges and transformations in the market and the actions that Alveg Distribución Química is taking in the face of the opportunities that are present in the automotive industry appear.“Today we participate in practically all the assemblers, be they light cars or trucks. We sell first-fill fuel -diesel or gasoline- (each unit will have a destination not only in Mexico, but anywhere in the world and this first fuel fill must respond to the transportation and weather characteristics of each place where it arrives); antifreeze, windshield washer fluids and in the process we participate with two large families of products: dilution solvents for the paint area of each automaker, and supply of purge solvents that are responsible for dragging all the surrounding circulatory the painting plant of any assembly company, to make a 100% removal without leaving any trace of paint”, listed Blanco.ALVEG has 10 branches, maintaining adequate stocks for the distribution of its portfolio of more than 1,000 chemical products throughout the country, through adequate logistics and the correct times to serve its customers. In the same way, he also spoke about Nearshoring: “Nearshoring has already arrived, we will see an increasing presence of the supply chain of suppliers in our country in the automotive industry. We are participating in it and we are very attentive with this intelligence team to participate in all its stages”.See the full talk at the following link:
Braskem Idesa (BI) reports that it has entered into an agreement with Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), adjusting the terms of its supply contract, as well as an agreement to develop an ethane import terminal. This gives it the possibility of making medium- and long-term plans by having access to various sources of raw materials that will enable it to produce polyethylene at full capacity to supply the local and international markets.     This agreement (subject to final approval by the Boards of Directors of both parties, as well as BI's creditors), in addition to resolving historical differences that had been discussed by the parties, establishes new volume and price commitments for the supply of ethane from PEMEX to BI, compatible with the current and future availability of this raw material in the country. The agreement will allow the long-term sustainability of our plant, located in Nanchital de Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, Veracruz.     In addition, Braskem Idesa plans to build a new terminal for the ethane import on global scale, with an investment of approximately US$400 million, which will be located in the Pajaritos Lagoon, in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. This project will be located in the area of the CIIT - Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec - and is one of the initiatives of the investment plan announced by the Federal Government for the development of the southeast of the country and the energy sector. As a result of the above, a collaboration agreement was signed with PEMEX, CIIT and API Coatzacoalcos (Administración Portuaria Integral de Coatzacoalcos).     Thus, the new agreement guarantees BI's operations, providing certainty to its customers, creditors, shareholders and collaborators, promoting the development of the domestic petrochemical industry, which is source of essential raw materials for countless production chains.   With the new agreements, BI will continue to contribute to the social and economic development of Mexico, as the Ethylene XXI Complex has done since the beginning of its operations in 2016. Braskem Idesa is the result of a 5.2 billion dollar investment by Braskem and Grupo Idesa, which has positively impacted Mexico's trade balance by more than 4 billion dollars and has boosted the development of the southeast of the country with the generation of thousands of direct and indirect jobs. 
Dear Valued Customer and Supplier.Grupo IDESA has been actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation since last January. Our focus has been on our core values (Integrity and Commitment), and two priority points- Health and Safety of our employees and their families,- Maintaining Business Continuity with our customers and suppliers.As such, we put a number of measures in place to reduce the risk and prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our workforce, including travel ban that we enforced since March 5th.In this context, we willstay connected with our customers and suppliers to ensure continuity of service and supply, as well as to adapt to changing circumstances. This interaction will take a different form for the coming weeks, moving to more virtual connection by taking advantage of our virtual communication technologies, such as telephone conferencing, video conferencing and web conferencing. Rest assured that while our face-to-face meetings are reduced, our commitment is to provide you with the highest level of support and quality as always.We are actively monitoring the situation and taking the appropriate manufacturing and supply measures. If this situation changes, we will let you know as soon as possible.At last, we would like to remind you that your IDESA contact is always available to answer any question or concern you may have regarding orders, deliveries and product availability during this time.We value for your business and want to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and support.Sincerely,Grupo IDESA
Supplies for the national chemical industry are lacking, warns ANIQ.
Considering the relevance of the chemical industry as a supplier to more than 40 industrial sectors, it was considered for its importance in the list of essential industries, so it can operate and serve most of its clients during the health contingency."In this sense, we are calm with the measure taken by the government, although we continue with critical issues on our agenda, such as the need for a timely supply of raw materials and energy," said José María Bermúdez, president of the National Association of the Chemical Industry (ANIQ).For its part, the utilization of the installed capacity of the national chemical industry is only 73 percent, not due to lack of demand, but due to lack of raw materials and energy."The situation has been complicated by the deterioration of oil production, as well as the availability of gas as a petrochemical input by Pemex, highlighting ethane and propane," Bermúdez explained.ANIQ, an association that groups 260 companies and represents more than 95 percent of the private chemical production in the country, advocates increasing the production of natural gas in the southeast of the country and reaching the available natural gas with the start of the marine pipeline of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)."In our dialogue with the Secretariats of Energy (SENER) and Economy (SECON) we have emphasized that Pemex's focus solely on oil has been breaking integration chains in the chemical industry," he said in an interview."Today, the government's priority is not in the gas supply for the chemical industry. The situation has been exacerbated and companies in the industry in the Coatzacoalcos area have received confirmation that Pemex cannot supply them with natural gas, ”so it is essential that the Energy Regulatory Commission approve the balancing adjustment mechanism when the CENAGAS intervenes the system, affirmed Miguel Benedetto, Director General of ANIQ.The construction of the 16-kilometer gas pipeline between Zempoala and Coatzacoalcos is critical to bring natural gas from the marine pipeline to the Coatzacoalcos area. "So far, the federal government is not building it, there is interest from the IP in doing it, but we are still stuck in who does what.""Likewise, we have proposed collaboration alternatives so that the industry has the necessary natural gas, as well as investment proposals to be able to import the ethane and ammonia that the country lacks," Benedetto said.ANIQ faces the challenge of developing collaboration mechanisms with Pemex and private initiative to restore supply and stop the contraction of the industry.It was achieved that our industry is considered essential and can continue operating during the pandemic, now we work "without achieving the clarity on the part of the government that we want on how the articulation of broken productive chains will be achieved," said José María Bermúdez.He assured that the chemical industry has invested 12 billion dollars in new assets during the previous administration, while the demand for chemical products in the country has grown 6 percent annually in the last 15 years. "The underutilization of our capacity means that imports of chemical products continue to skyrocket," he warned.On the other hand, he commented that "The problem of guaranteeing the production and importation of essential products is aggravated because the National Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris) shows a lag in the issuance of permits which complicates production and importation of supplies ”, added Miguel Benedetto. "It is urgent to unlock the investments," he concluded.Source: Energy under debate
The human ecological footprint
Siwa Oasis, a city located in western Egypt, is the site where the oldest fossilized human footprint was found, which dates from a little over a million years ago or the footprint left on the lunar surface on July 21, 1969 by The American astronaut Neil Armstrong during the Apollo 11 manned space mission, just two examples of how a simple activity carried out by our species, such as moving around, generates what would seem an insignificant disturbance to its environment.Footprints printed with ink on paper of a newborn's feet are kept by his parents to remember the origin of a new life, while the marks specifically left on the feet of celebrities are sometimes kept in a collection, such as the one next to the Grauman Chinese Theater Hollywood California in order to honor them in life and commemoration after death. In linguistic terms, "leaving a trace" means transcending, that is, extending the consequences or effects of a fact. In another context, footsteps are used to be able to track tracking during a hunt and may prove evidence of past activities.Chaos Theory says that through an amplification process a considerably large effect will be generated in the short, medium and long term, this has also been called the Butterfly Effect. In complex, dynamic and variation-sensitive systems they can imply great differences in future behavior, that is, any change, no matter how minuscule it seems like the simple walk of humanity on planet earth, has had tangible, but also perhaps invisible, repercussions. to our understanding for many hundreds of years and until today we begin to perceive its resulting effects, many totally divergent and we hardly even try to predict the future.The term ecological footprint was coined by William Rees and Malthis Wackernagel who describe it as an indicator of sustainability whose objective is to know the degree of impact that a certain human community, person, organization, country, region or city has on the environment. It is an ecological accounting system, which shows the consequences of actions and activities on the planet. It is also a tool to determine how much land and marine space is needed to produce all the resources and goods that are consumed, as well as the surface to absorb all the waste that is generated, using the technology that we demand today.The Ecological Footprint is measured from global hectares (hag), that is, 10 thousand square meters equivalent to 1.4 soccer fields like the one at the Azteca Stadium. These hectares with average world capacity to produce resources and absorb waste. The total productive area of ​​the Earth or biocapacity is 13,600 million hag, that is, 2.1 hag per person. However, exceeding by 0.6 hag. the capacity of the planet.A country's footprint is measured by adding up all of its agricultural land, grazing land, and forested areas, as well as the fishing areas required to produce the food, fiber, and wood that country consumes, and its footprint is the integration of all of these areas regardless of where they are located.A quarter of the surface of our planet is biologically productive, this is equivalent to approximately 13,400 million hectares of land and sea. The equivalent of 1.8 hectares corresponds to each inhabitant of the planet to satisfy our consumption and absorb all our waste, the equivalent of two and a half pitches like those of the Azteca Stadium. However, our ecological footprint is 2.7 hectares, that is, 3.6 soccer fields.The dimensional difference between the footprints of the countries is due to various historical factors such as the Industrial Revolution, the Capitalist System, the growth of the world population, the demand for more resources and impacts on the planet, among many others.In just the past eight decades, humanity's footprint exceeded the Earth's total biocapacity for the first time. Since then, said demand has been increasing. By the year 2005, the footprint of our planet already exceeded almost thirty percent of the planet's capacity. To continue at this rate of our demands by 2035, we will need the equivalent of two planets to maintain our lifestyle.The carbon footprint measures the production of greenhouse gases per person, on the portion of land capable of absorbing and retaining it. These are derived from the production of energy from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.The evaluation of the impact on the environment of our buildings becomes more important every day because the manufacture of the materials that make them up requires energy and uses resources from our planet, for this reason, gradually the laws put more pressure on building of an environmentally friendly way.Using new mechanisms such as the Environmental Product Declaration or EPD. This is a standard document that provides verifiable and quantifiable information about the environmental performance of a product, material, or service. This tool is used to assess the environmental impact throughout the life cycle of products in accordance with the International Standard UNE-EN ISO 14025. For this, a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is used in accordance with UNE International Standards- EN ISO 14040 and UNE-EN ISO 14044. EPS is applicable to all sectors, from automotive to electronics, and offers a scientific and neutral way to value a product from an environmental perspective in terms of:LCA data in the form of impact categories, such as global warming potential or resource depletion. Other information on the life cycle, such as the energy consumption of fossil or renewable resources at each stage, information on polluting emissions in the manufacture or content of dangerous substances.Other additional information, such as product features related to environmental aspects (for example thermal insulation such as NOVIDESA's advanced construction systems), environmental management systems or ecodesign in the organization, how to manage the end of product life , etc.EPDs are part of the family of Ecolabels and environmental declarations for products and services defined in the series of International Standards ISO 14020, which are classified in Ecolabels (ISO 14024), Self-declarations (ISO 14021), Environmental declarations (ISO 14025). These standards seek to guarantee the reliability of environmental claims made by organizations, based on scientifically based methodologies and whose results can be verified by a third party. They use a life cycle approach, being only necessary to carry out a complete LCA for the Environmental Declarations.Currently, the construction sector is actively working on environmental declarations due to the importance of participating in building certification schemes such as LEED or BREEAM today and, above all, the recent Norms that regulate Construction in our country and in the world.At Novidesa we are proud because our products are participants in the first Sector Environmental Product Declaration for the construction industry in Mexico and in Latin America, this achievement was achieved in collaboration with the working group led by the National Association of the Chemical Industry (ANIQ ).We have only just begun to realize the consequences of the excessive appropriation of something that was never for the exclusive use of our species and that today threatens ourselves. We realize that never in the evolutionary history of our world have there been so many humans so demanding of so many growing and sometimes changing needs, found in practically every corner of the planet, and we note that our past steps have brought us where we are today. Today we are aware of an uncertain future, but today we know that we can take steps towards a better course that is much more sustainable and as a fragment of the poem says to the life of Seville's Antonio Machado Ruiz:"Walker your footsteps are the road and nothing else; Walker, there is no path, the path is made by walking."
Behavior of Novidesa expanded polystyrene against fire
Expanded Polystyrene is derived mainly from styrene monomer and is expanded to form an essentially closed cell structure. When considering the fire behavior of any construction material, it is important to realize that the evaluation must be based on its behavior under final conditions of use. This behavior will depend not only on the chemical nature of the material but largely on its physical state.EPS is flammable, as is the case with many other building materials. However, this is only relevant if EPS is evaluated as an exposed insulation material.How the fire develops in a buildingWhen a building has normal temperature conditions in its daily use, there is a natural balance between flammable materials and ambient oxygen. However, in the first stage of a fire, the ignition energy comes into contact with the flammable material. Above a temperature of approximately 200 ºC, the material will release flammable gases, which will burn due to both the original ignition and spontaneously. In the case of gases, combustion can directly lead to the generation of flames, while solid materials, such as furniture, must first become incandescent sources of ignition.In the first stage of a fire, there is a gradual accumulation of heat energy in the form of combustible gases. At this point the temperature is still relatively low and the fire is still located inside the building. Later, a sudden development occurs, called a "flash-over," in which the temperature rises significantly and the fire suddenly spreads throughout the compartment. After this sudden development or "flash-over" the chances of rescuing people and equipment are greatly reducedEPS behavior in a fireIn order to calibrate the different risk situations that the use of EPS makes up, factors derived from its content, its form and its environment must be taken into account. The fire behavior of EPS materials can be modified by applying coatings and coatings.The development and extent of the fire depends, in addition to the intensity and duration of the fire, on the specific properties of the raw materials used in the manufacture of the expanded polystyrene.The raw materials of the expanded polystyrene are styrene polymers that contain a mixture of low-boiling hydrocarbons as a blowing agent. They are all combustible materials. The blowing agent (pentane) progressively volatilizes in the transformation process. The residual 10% requires a storage phase for a time depending on the product specifications: dimensions, density, etc.The calorific value of Expanded Polystyrene materials (40 MJ / kg) is approximately twice that of wood (18.6 MJ / kg), but taking into account the densities of both products, the calorific volume for Expanded Polystyrene is between 540 y1250 MJ / m3 and in the case of products from cellulose, wood fiber or wood is between 7150 and 10400 MJ / m3.EPS contains a small amount of fire retardant agent (maximum 0.5%). It is the fire retardant EMERALD 3000, polymeric brominated designed to be friendly to the environment. This has a beneficial effect when EPS is exposed to a fire source. The foam shrinks quickly by withdrawing from the heat source, thereby reducing the likelihood of ignition. The decomposition products of the additive cause the flame to extinguish, so when the ignition source is removed, the EPS does not continue to burn.A material treated with self-extinguishing agents contracts if exposed to a flame. It will only start to burn if the exposure is prolonged, at a very low speed of spread, the flames spread only on the surface of the material.In the absence of an ignition focus, the thermal decomposition products do not ignite until temperatures of the order of 400 - 500 ºC are reached. When exposed to temperatures above 100ºC, the EPS products begin to soften slowly and contract, if they increase in temperature they melt. If it continues to be exposed to heat for a certain time, the molten material emits flammable gaseous decomposition products. In this regard, a table is attached with the composition of these gases, comparatively with those emitted by other common products in buildings.Carbon monoxide can be fatal if inhaled for 1 to 3 minutes at concentrations of 10,000 ppm (parts per million) to 15,000 ppm. Styrene has a characteristic odor that can be detected in concentrations between 25 ppm and 50 ppm and that becomes unbearable between 200 ppm and 400 p
Novidesa expanded polystyrene as thermal insulation
Before start, it is worth pausing on some general definitions:THERMAL ISOLATION:It is the resistance that we oppose the passage of cold or heat with one or a few materials inserted in an enclosure, in order to obtain the interior comfort of the buildings.COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY ():It is the amount of heat or cold that passes through 1 m2, of a body with plane-parallel faces, with a thickness of 1 mt, for 1 hour, when between the two faces there is a difference of 1 ° CTHERMAL RESISTANCE OF THE MATERIAL (R):It is the quotient between the thickness of the material itself and the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The higher this value, the greater the insulation capacity of the material it represents.RT (m2 K / W) = E (m) /  (W / m K)K (W / m2 K) = 1 / RT (m2 K / W)THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY OF THE MATERIAL (K, U, C):It is the amount of heat or cold that is changed, through 1 m2 of enclosure for one hour, when between the exterior and interior there is a temperature difference of 1 K. Therefore, the higher this value is, the lower it will be the insulation capacity of the material.The only difference between the K value (or C value) and the U value, is that the U value designates the sum of the thermal transmission of all the materials involved in a composite element section (for example: finish + insulator + concrete + insulator + finish), while the K value designates the thermal transmission of a particular material.Heat is known to tend to flow from a high to a low temperature, through one or any combination of any of the three methods of temperature transfer, such as: conduction, convection, and radiation. The range at which heat will flow through a material will depend not only on the nature of the material, but also on the difference in temperature between the hot and cold sides. The comparison of the effectiveness of the insulation should be made on a basis that excludes the influence of variable factors such as the thickness of the material and the difference in temperatures.Put simply, the K value (also known as the U value or the C value) represents the number of watts that will be lost per square meter at a given temperature difference in degrees centigrade. As a simple example, if the interior of a room is at 20 ° C, and the outside of it is at 10 ° C, that gives us a difference of 10 ° C. Assuming a roof with R-2 insulation, power will be lost in a range of 5 watts for every square meter of the roof.Some countries that do not use the international unit system define the value R using the units R = ft2 Fh / BTU.The conversion between both systems is as follows:1 ft2 Fh / BTU = 0.1761 m2 K / W or 1 m2 K / W = 5.67446 ft2 Fh / BTUThe thermal insulation capacity of a material is defined by its coefficient of thermal conductivity (), which in the case of EPS products varies, as well as mechanical properties, with the apparent density.The best thermal insulators on the planet, that is, those with the lowest coefficients of thermal conductivity, are in order of importance the Airgel with a value of 0.014 (W / m K), followed by isocyanurate and phenolic foams, with values  of 0.017 and 0.020 (W / m K), respectively. They are closely followed by polyurethane and polystyrene with values ​​of 0.02 and 0.03 respectively. Cellulose, fiberglass and mineral wool hardly have a value of 0.05. It is for this reason that it is said that the products and materials of expanded polystyrene (EPS) have an excellent capacity for thermal insulation against heat and cold.In fact, many of its applications are directly related to this property: for example when it is used as an insulating material for the different closings of buildings or in the field of packaging and packaging of fresh and perishable food such as fish boxes.This good thermal insulation capacity is due to the structure of the material itself, which essentially consists of air entrapped within a cellular structure made up of polystyrene.Approximately 98% of the volume of the material is air and only 2% solid matter (polystyrene). It is known to all that air at rest is an excellent thermal insulator.
History of construction materials
The evolution of the ways of building has been transformed throughout the history of the human being, seeking to be more efficient every day. Once humanity passed its nomadic stage, (a time when our ancestors simply temporarily appropriated caves or caverns sculpted by nature or simply stayed overnight in open-air camps), the Neolithic construction of 9000 would take place. AC to 5000 BC, where tools made from bone and stone were used and with the use of construction materials such as mammoth ribs, leather, stones, sticks, and clay, Neolithic architecture developed the store and the megalith (an arrangement of large stones like Stonehenge).Between 5,000 B.C. and 3,100 B.C. In the copper age, this material gave rise to tools that allowed the extraction of soft stone, originating architecture excavated in the rock. Between 1,200 B.C. and 50 B.C. the iron age would give widespread use of iron, which although it is not much harder than bronze over the years, carbon was added to it turning it into steel (around 300 B.C.). Later, the main construction material used in ancient Mesopotamia was the clay formed in wooden molds. Over the years, these clay blocks began to be fired, giving them rock-like resistances used for paving, giving way to creation. of enameled brick and decorated with reliefs such as those that survive in the Tehran Archaeological Museum, the Louvre Museum in Paris and the Pergamon Museum in Berlin.In ancient Egypt, grandiose temples and pyramids were built of stone using large blocks of rock transported over great distances using rollers, ropes, and sledges carried by large numbers of workers. The ancient Egyptians are credited with the invention of the ramp, lever, lathe, oven, nave, paper, irrigation system, window awning, door, a form of plaster, the bathroom and the lock, as well as their contributions to a system standardized measurement, geometry, and a method for drilling stone, among others. The largest pyramid is that of Giza, it was the tallest structure in the world for 3800 years and the same that with its almost 4,600 years is still standing.Many structures of ancient Greece survive to this day, and some of them are still in good condition. The Greeks included to their temples and buildings various technological advances such as plumbing, spiral staircase, central heating, urban planning, the water wheel, the pulley and a breakthrough in wooden structures such as floors and ceilings, floors, although they do not survive our days. Before 650 B.C. the temples were built of wood, but later they began to be built of stone. Most of its structures used a simple system of beams and columns. Their math skills enabled them to establish the incredibly exact optical corrections of buildings like the Parthenon.The great development of ancient Rome gave rise to the use of lime mortar. The Romans built parallel brick or stone walls forming a cavity itself that they filled with a cyclopean cementitious mixture with lime, clay or broken stones, forming a wall structure designated with the term "emplecton" that formed a permanent formwork or formwork. Later they used wooden molds or formwork that were removed once this Roman concrete had set. An example of a temple made of concrete or Roman concrete from the 1st century B.C. and it is the temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy. Roman concrete was also used to build arches, barrel vaults, and domes. The Romans made use of glass in the construction colored in mosaics and transparent for windows. Central heating in the form of a hypocaust, false floor heated by the exhaust gases of a fire produced by coal and wood.Rome saw sophisticated cranes developed allowing them to lift heavy loads at great heights. His ingenuity spanned bridges, aqueducts, covered amphitheatres, notable sewers and water supply works, and some systems are still in operation.In the Renaissance in Italy, Marco Vitruvio Polión stands out, who describes in detail the education of the architect. The advances achieved at that time allowed us to harness the energy of the water mills to move large saws from wooden sawmills and turn the trees into planks in an almost industrialized way. Bricks were used in increasing amounts and the steel industry was used in certain structures; iron transformed into bars, bolts, screws and nuts. And perhaps one of the greatest technological advances was undoubtedly the solution of the dome of Santa Maria de las Flores by the architect Filippo Brunelleschi, who managed to devise a way to build a large dome without falsework, relying on geometry in balance with the weight of the bricks to keep it standing.The 17th century saw the birth of modern science that would have profound effects on the construction of buildings for centuries to come. The main advances were towards the end of this century when architects and engineers began to use experimental science to configure the geometry of their buildings, the structures of the 17th century relied fully on the experience and the use of scale models. However, it was not until the 18th century that engineering theory was developed enough to allow a more precise and adequate calculation.The eighteenth century saw the development of many of the ideas that had been born in the late seventeenth century. Architects and engineers were increasingly professionalized, experimental sciences and mathematical methods developed, becoming much more sophisticated. In this period the use of iron, allowing the construction of important engineering works such as the Coalbrookdale Bridge or the Iron Bridge that crosses the River Severn in England.The Industrial Revolution generated inventions such as steam engines, complex machines, durable tools, explosives, and even topographical optics among many others. The production of steel industrially allowed its widespread use in the form of beams and combined with reinforced concrete elements and crystals also mass produced, allowed the construction of increasingly larger structures. The plumbing reappeared and gave common access to drinking water and wastewater collection. Building codes have been applied since the 19th century, with special regard to fire safety. With the second Industrial revolution in the early 20th century, elevators and cranes made possible skyscrapers and skyscrapers, while heavy machinery and power tools decreased the manpower required. Other new technologies were prefabrication and computer aided design. Unions formed to protect the interests of construction workers would emerge by procuring personal protective equipment such as hard hats and ear plugs.Buildings like the British Crystal Palace, designed by Joseph Paxton in 1851, made an enormous impression for its innovative design and construction through modular glass walls and roofs, making it a popular symbol of modernity and civilization, admired by some and reviled by others. . Another iconic building is the Home Insurance Company which, with a height of 42 meters. It was the first skyscraper built in the world using structural steel, it consisted of only 10 floors; Buildings with 9 floors or more were considered skyscrapers. It had a passenger elevator system that allowed efficient vertical circulation.The XXI century provides contributions such as multipurpose buildings in large vertical complexes, modular structures, prefabrication systems, coupled with the growing concern to generate buildings with better environmental quality, water conservation and energy efficiency, are increasingly present in cities, while contributing modernity and progress towards the future, greatly improve the quality of life of the people who inhabit them. The architecture of our century is defined as sustainable, the buildings will require the application of much more environmentally friendly practices and materials, in the design it implies the revision of its location and the reduction of energy costs for its operation, and once At the end of its useful life (when demolished), its reuse will be necessary.An example is Terracota Cien, the work of Ricardo Legorreta, it was the first building in Mexico that obtained the LEED Platinum Core & Shell certification, this property managed to effectively, creatively and profitably solve the problem that involves the construction of 22,500 square meters of a sustainable way. It had an additional cost of around 3% of the total investment, in exchange for 1,900 tons of CO2 will be avoided to the environment each year compared to if it were a conventional construction, and savings of up to 93% are expected in the use of drinking water. The USGBC calculates that a sustainable property reduces, on average, 30 percent energy consumption, it also produces important benefits for human health and productivity. This development has a solid and efficient Makros Novidesa thermal insulation mezzanine system that allows the construction of In a short time and at low cost, acoustically comfortable spaces, it also includes a prefabricated pigmented concrete façade with intelligent crystals that allow for better absorption of sunlight, the climate works according to the ambient temperature and sanitary equipment is economical. The challenge of the current building will be to promote improvements in its techniques through innovations that allow closed life cycles of the materials that make it up.